Working environments are often fast paced and can be very stressful with staff often struggling to maintain a calm and optimistic outlook
Stress is a leading cause of chronic health problems and the more health problems that your employees endure the higher health cost will be
We offer short 30 – 45 minute yoga classes to businesses, this can either be during the lunch break or after work. Yoga helps to calm the body and the mind leaving it more resilient and better able to cope with the strains of modern day living. Sessions can be tailored to suit your companies needs.
These sessions will provide your staff with a reliable method of managing their work related stress but also offer something that will benefit their life outside of the work environment! An additional perk offered by your company. A win-win for everyone.
Benefits of yoga:
Teaches individual stress management
Improve the immune system and overall health resulting in decreased absenteeism and sickness levels
Increases energy, mental alertness and clarity
Reduces muscle tension and pain due to sedentary working positions
Improves flexibility and physical strength

For more information about workplace Yoga contact us.